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Lansweeper scans USB Devices icon

USB Device

Lansweeper scans USB devices connected to Windows computers. Local devices that are attached to the asset show up on a computer’s asset page. Most USB devices don’t count towards your asset limitation either, so a workstation with multiple connected devices is still only one asset from a Lansweeper licensing perspective.

Scanned USB information

Lansweeper finds details on connected devices via Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Different devices will, of course, return different information. We scan the following devices:
  • Mice
  • Keyboards
  • Modems
  • Printers
  • Tape Drives
In the ‚Disk‘ category of an asset, you can also find Mass Storage Devices such as external hard drives. These will display the remaining space on the hard drive. Printers also have their own asset page, as they return a lot more information than other connected devices. Monitors have their own asset page as well since they connect to your computer via DVI, HDMI or VGA instead of USB.

Mice and Keyboards

The most used connected devices are mouse and keyboard. These show up under ‚Devices‘ whether they are connected via USB or not. Lansweeper pulls the data from mice and keyboards from the Win32_PointingDevice and Win32_Keyboard WMI classes. In the Lansweeper Database Documentation within Lansweeper, you can find all tables of information that Lansweeper collects. On mice, the following information is scanned:
  • Caption
  • Handedness
  • Manufacturer
  • Number of Buttons
  • Pointing type (trackball, touchscreen, optical mouse…)
On keyboards, Lansweeper finds:
  • Layout
  • Description
  • Number of function keys
  • Win32 Configuration Manager error code

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