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Plug and Play Devices

Plug and play devices come in many shapes and forms. Due to the easy of use and lack of user intervention to set up these devices, IT has never been more volatile then with plug and play devices popping up everywhere at any time. The fact that no admin is required to set them up, can make your network quickly spin out of control. Luckily, Lansweeper now scans all types of Plug and Play devices in your network, so you can scan and pick up information from all types of game devices, Smart TV’s and other media players.  

Scanned Plug and Play Device Information

Scanned UPNP Device information includes (depending on the exact device type):
  • DNS Name
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Serial
  • Device version
  • Hardware version
  • Software version
  • Firmware version
  • IP address

Start Now! Discover all Plug and Play Devices Assets in Your Network