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Exchange Licenses

Active Directory Exchange Licenses Users

Find All the Exchange Licenses in Your Network

Find all your Exchange client access licenses along with the server they are on and the number of users in that license. Client access licenses are used for each device or user which utilizes or accesses Exchange. Lansweeper scans the CAL licenses from an Exchange server and also displays the number of users that are in a specific CAL license. You can also get more information about the user by taking a look at the individual license. Exchange Licenses

Exchange Licenses Query

Select Top 1000000 'license.png' As Icon,
  tblExchangeLicense.LicenseName As DisplayName,
    When users.cnt Is Null Then 0
    Else users.cnt
  End As Users,
  tblExchangeServer.AssetId As ServerAssetId,
  tblExchangeServer.Name As ExchangeServer
From tblExchangeLicense
  Inner Join tblExchangeServer On tblExchangeServer.ServerId =
  Left Outer Join (Select Count(tblExchangeUserLicense.UserId) As cnt,
      From tblExchangeUserLicense
      Group By tblExchangeUserLicense.LicenseId) users On users.LicenseId =
Where tblExchangeLicense.UnitLabel = 'CAL'
Order By DisplayName

