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Windows & Linux Performance Counters Statistics

Hardware Components Operating System Performance Metrics

Monitor your Windows and Linux Performance

Performance scanning is important when it comes to managing your network and its users. When complaints start coming in about things being slow, performance counters make it easier than ever to locate the cause. Identify which servers or workstations do not have enough resources to handle their workload. Additionally, migration projects can also use performance counters. Determine how much resources your servers need to so you can set the correct requirements for a cloud or virtual migration project. That’s why we created the Windows and Linux performance counters audit.

This overview shows Windows and Linux machines along with their performance statistics from the last 14 days along with the minimum, maximum and average values for CPU usage, RAM utilization, disk usage and network utilization.

Performance Statistics Windows and Linux last 14 days Query

Select Top 1000000 a.AssetID,
  Min(a.AssetName) As AssetName,
  Min(a.Domain) As Domain,
  Min(Coalesce(os.Image, at.AssetTypeIcon10)) As icon,
  Min(a.IPAddress) As IPAddress,
  Min(ipl.IPLocation) As IPLocation,
  Min(ac.Manufacturer) As Manufacturer,
  Min(ac.Model) As Model,
  Case Min(a.Assettype)
    When -1 Then Min(os.OSname)
    When 11 Then Min(ls.OSRelease)
    Else ''
  End As OsName,
  Min(a.Lastseen) As Lastseen,
  Min(a.Lasttried) As Lasttried,
  Min(pcm.Name) As MetricName,
  Min(pcm.Unit) As Unit,
  Round(Cast(Avg(pcsm.Value) As float), 0) As Average,
  Min(pcsm.Value) As MinValue,
  Max(pcsm.Value) As MaxValue,
  Min(pcsmi.Name) As Identifier
From tblAssets a
  Inner Join tblAssetCustom ac On a.AssetID = ac.AssetID
  Inner Join tsysAssetTypes at On at.AssetType = a.Assettype
  Inner Join tsysIPLocations ipl On ipl.LocationID = a.LocationID
  Inner Join tblState On tblState.State = ac.State
  Left Join tsysOS os On os.OScode = a.OScode
  Left Join tblLinuxSystem ls On ls.AssetID = a.AssetID
  Inner Join tblPerformanceCountersScan pcs On pcs.AssetId = a.AssetID
  Inner Join tblPerformanceCountersScanMetric pcsm On
    pcsm.PerformanceCountersScanId = pcs.Id
  Inner Join tsysPerformanceCounterMetric pcm On pcm.Id = pcsm.Metric
  Left Join tblPerformanceCountersScanMetricIdentifier pcsmi On
    pcsmi.Id = pcsm.PerformanceCountersScanMetricIdentifierId
Where tblState.Statename = 'Active' And pcs.ScanDateTime > GetDate() - 30
Group By a.AssetID,
Order By AssetName,

