List All Windows Clustered Nodes in Your Environment
Within a network, it is possible to have multiple independent servers working together to increase the availability and scalability of certain Windows features or applications, like SQL Server databases and Hyper-V virtual machines. This kind of setup is called a cluster and the machines within are called nodes. If one node fails, other nodes within the cluster take over the failed machine’s clustered tasks, a process known as failover. The concept of ensuring that a feature runs continuously without disruption is also called high availability (HA).
Aside from the scanning clusters and the cluster nodes, Lansweeper also retrieves the cluster logs. These logs provide deep insights into the actions performed by your clusters. This allows you to check exactly what you clusters did and at what time. This audit below provides you a list of all the cluster logs scanned so you have the data you need to manage your network efficiently.
Windows Cluster Logs Query
Select tblWindowsCluster.Name As ClusterName,
tblAssets.AssetID As ClusterNodeAssetId,
tblAssets.AssetName As ClusterNodeName,
tblAssets_2.AssetID As ClusterNodeSourceAssetId,
tblAssets_2.AssetName As ClusterNodeSourceName,
tblAssets_3.AssetID As ClusterNodeDestinationAssetId,
tblAssets_3.AssetName As ClusterNodeDestinationName,
tblHyperVGuest.Name As GuestName,
Case tblWindowsClusterLog.Action
When 0 Then 'None'
When 1 Then 'Create'
When 2 Then 'Move'
When 3 Then 'Delete'
End As Action,
Case tblWindowsClusterLog.EventLevelId
When 2 Then 'Critical Error'
When 3 Then 'Error'
When 4 Then 'Warning'
When 6 Then 'Information'
When 8 Then 'Verbose'
End As EventLevelId,
From tblWindowsClusterLog
Left Join tblNtlogMessage On tblNtlogMessage.MessageID =
Left Join tblWindowsCluster On tblWindowsCluster.WindowsClusterId =
Left Join tblWindowsClusterNode On tblWindowsClusterNode.WindowsClusterNodeId
= tblWindowsClusterLog.WindowsClusterNodeScannedId
Left Join tblAssets As tblAssets On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblWindowsClusterNode.AssetId
Left Join tblWindowsClusterNode As tblWindowsClusterNode_2 On
tblWindowsClusterNode_2.WindowsClusterNodeId =
Left Join tblAssets As tblAssets_2 On tblAssets_2.AssetID =
Left Join tblWindowsClusterNode As tblWindowsClusterNode_3 On
tblWindowsClusterNode_3.WindowsClusterNodeId =
Left Join tblAssets As tblAssets_3 On tblAssets_3.AssetID =
Left Join tblHyperVGuest On tblHyperVGuest.hypervguestID =