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NIS2 Compliance Made Simple

6 min. read
By Laura Libeer

The NIS2 Directive is a crucial EU regulation aimed at bolstering the cybersecurity of essential sectors such as energy, transport, banking, and digital infrastructure. Scheduled to be enforced by October 17 2024, NIS2 mandates rigorous security measures and continuous monitoring to safeguard against cyber threats. Compliance is mandatory, with severe penalties for non-compliance, necessitating robust risk management and incident response capabilities.

Lansweeper provides complete visibility and control over the entire IT infrastructure, enabling comprehensive asset discovery, vulnerability management, and compliance reporting – all vital for NIS2 compliance.

Key Lansweeper Features:

  • Automated Compliance Scanning: Gain a complete overview of all hardware, software and network devices.
  • Vulnerability Management: Identify and address security gaps and outdated software.
  • Compliance Reporting: Generate detailed reports to facilitate audits and demonstrate compliance.

Automated Compliance Scanning: The Foundation of NIS2 Readiness

Lansweeper’s discovery and risk insights enable organizations to conduct thorough risk analysis by identifying misconfigurations such as missing antivirus installations, lack of encryption, unauthorized local admins, outdated certificates and outdated software/drivers. This detailed technology asset inventory is vital for developing comprehensive policies on risk analysis and information system security, as mandated by NIS2 Article 21(a).

Supporting the business continuity requirements of NIS2 Article 21(c), Lansweeper provides an inventory of backup agents and their versions, ensuring that backup and disaster recovery services are always enabled and up-to-date. Lansweeper also keeps track of data encryption tools like BitLocker and certificates, checking that measures are properly implemented and maintained, and helping organizations meet the cryptography and encryption policies required by NIS2 Article 21(h).

Vulnerability Management: Staying Ahead of Threats

Lansweeper’s Risk Insights enable proactive vulnerability management, so your systems are secure throughout their entire lifecycle. Regular vulnerability assessments and timely remediation actions address the security measures required during system acquisition, development and maintenance, as specified in NIS2 Article 21(e).

After an incident, Lansweeper helps identify other potentially vulnerable machines. Using Lansweeper’s network diagrams, teams can visualize connected devices that might be at risk due to being in the same network segment, supporting the incident handling procedures required by NIS2 Article 21(b). What’s more, integrating Lansweeper with ITSM and SIEM/SOAR tools enables comprehensive supply chain security, helping to create workflows and mitigation strategies that ensure supplier compliance with security policies, as required by NIS2 Article 21(d).

Compliance Reporting: Proving Your Security Posture

Lansweeper’s comprehensive reporting tools enable organizations to evaluate and document the effectiveness of implemented cybersecurity measures. These reports help to continuously improve and verify regulatory compliance, to meet the assessment requirements of NIS2 Article 21(f).

Lansweeper can be used to monitor your organization’s use of data encryption, antivirus installations and software updates, to ensure you’re adhering to NIS2 cyber hygiene practices, as well. Easily integrate Lansweeper with training platforms to provide continuous cybersecurity education for staff and promote the cyber hygiene practices required by NIS2 Article 21(g). When it comes to user access control, Lansweeper discovers and manages all devices, AD users and groups to enforce proper access control, in line with the policies mandated by NIS2 Article 21(i).

Benefits of Lansweeper for NIS2 Compliance  

Enhance Cybersecurity

As your first line of defense, Lansweeper continuously monitors your IT environment to identify and flag potential security threats before they can cause damage, proactively safeguarding sensitive data. With Lansweeper, all systems remain up-to-date and secure, reinforcing customer confidence in your organization’s commitment to security, and turning cybersecurity compliance into a competitive advantage.

Simplify Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complexities of NIS2 regulations is easy with Lansweeper’s comprehensive suite of tools. Detailed reporting and automated processes ensure you stay compliant with the latest standards and avoid the steep fines associated with non-compliance, which can reach up to €10 million or 2% of global annual turnover. Lansweeper ensures your organization remains compliant, protecting your bottom line from unnecessary penalties.

Optimize Operational Efficiency

Lansweeper automates IT asset management processes from discovery to reporting, significantly reducing the workload on IT teams and minimizing human error. Automated processes in Lansweeper saves valuable time while enhancing accuracy and boosting staff productivity – instead of stressing over NIS2 compliance complexities, they can focus on more strategic initiatives.

Use Cases

Ensuring Compliance in the Public Sector

Government agencies face stringent regulatory requirements to protect sensitive data and operational integrity. Lansweeper ensures that all systems are up-to-date and properly configured. It then automates reporting, so that agencies can more easily prove their compliance efforts, simplifying audits and regulatory reviews.

Discover More About A Comprehensive Guide to NIS2 Compliance for the Public Sector.

Managing Complex IT Environments in Manufacturing

Manufacturing environments often involve a mix of legacy systems and modern technologies, creating a complex IT landscape that can be challenging to secure. Lansweeper helps manage this complexity with a unified view of all IT, OT and IoT assets. What’s more, the ability to identify outdated firmware and vulnerable systems ensures that security measures are implemented across the production line, reducing the risk of operational disruptions.

Discover More About A Comprehensive Guide to NIS2 Compliance for Manufacturing.

Securing Financial Institution Networks

Financial institutions are prime targets for cyberattacks and must comply with numerous regulations to protect sensitive financial data. Lansweeper enhances the cybersecurity posture of financial institutions with continuous visibility across the IT estate. Lansweeper’s robust reporting features help financial institutions document their compliance efforts, making it easier to demonstrate adherence to GDPR, PSD2 and NIS2 and other critical regulations.

Discover More About A Comprehensive Guide to NIS2 Compliance for Financial Services.

Seamless Integration with Your Tech Stack

Lansweeper is fully compatible with your existing IT infrastructure, and integrates seamlessly with many other compliance software and security tools to enhance your organization’s overall cybersecurity posture. This means you can leverage complete and accurate Lansweeper data across ITSM, SIEM/SOAR and other tools, along with all of the great Lansweeper compliance features, for improved efficiency and simplified compliance.

Customer Success Stories

Lansweeper is helping organizations across industries comply with a wide range of industry and regional regulations and mandates, while strengthening their cybersecurity compliance. 

  • Learn how Fagus-GreCon optimized security and IT efficiency by integrating Lansweeper with TOPdesk. Read the full story.
  • See how the University of York saved approximately £300,000 annually in IT spending using Lansweeper. Read the full story.
  • Find out how Bekaert improved cybersecurity and reduced costs by maintaining accurate asset data with Lansweeper. Read the full story.

Get Ready for NIS2 with Lansweeper

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