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AssetLabs Integration

Transform Lansweeper Data into normalized, categorized, and data-enhanced reports and views.

Streamline from AssetLabs integrates seamlessly with Lansweeper, providing insight into software assets across the IT estate with easy-to-understand, actionable reports and dashboards. The integration provides a comprehensive solution for tracking all software licenses using, detecting license deficiencies, multiple de-duping installations, and applying product and downgrade rights.

While Lansweeper’s inherent Software License Compliance capabilities enable IT teams to track software license keys and build a basic overview of software license purchases and product pricing, combining the solution with Streamline provides a more comprehensive approach. It instantly identifies duplicate applications and unused software, shadow IT, and helps organizations reduce costs and mitigate legal and compliance risks associated with software licensing and entitlement.

Using Streamline with Lansweeper, IT teams gain rapid insights into security vulnerabilities resulting from outdated OSes and security software, as well. Moreover, they have all the information they need to accelerate software audits, enhance user productivity and maximize IT performance.

Key Integration Features

  • Transforms Lansweeper data into normalized, categorized and data-enhanced reports and views
  • Provides a powerful Risk Analysis service to help lower software license and hardware spend 
  • Auto-calculates concurrent and downgrade installs on all devices
  • Leverages a global library of product prices instantly determines the cost-risks of products and their parent vendors
  • Surfaces redundancies and overlap across applications and vendors. 
  • Categorizes software titles for simplified reporting and management


  • Lansweeper Starter, Pro, or Enterprise

