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IT Heroes

IT Hero in Action: Tackling CIO Questions Like a Boss

3 min. read
By Nils Macharis

Episode 1 – From 0 to 26,000+ Assets in No Time

Like many other users of Lansweeper, my story begins with “How can we find out how many – insert device type here – we have in the enterprise?”. It was a question my CIO asked me to uncover regarding printers, average page count per month and a few other items. I started with some basic scripting to determine this and quickly realized the task was much bigger than that.

Sure, there are software packages out there for specific printers, but I wanted more. I came across Lansweeper in the middle of 2014 and tested out the demo in a small environment. It quickly found all the devices in that test and gave me more details than I expected. Without hesitation, I threw down our purchase card and bought a license. We installed Lansweeper and in no time we saw all 26,000+ devices in our network.

Our business is spread across 10 states in the U.S, with over 100 facilities on the network. Lansweeper, with some intelligent design like “IP Locations” was able to separate those locations into IP groups and report on each facility individually. Since 2014, we have built a plethora of reports that help with our Microsoft License and various other software license reporting. In 2016, we were audited by Microsoft and were able to complete it in less than 2 days due to the Lansweeper database already having all the data they needed.

Here we are, 5 years later, still running Lansweeper in the enterprise. I couldn’t do many of the things I do today without it. Lansweeper has become an integral part of my yearly planning for PC, Printer, Router, and Switch replacements. It has also become very instrumental in our daily security practices.

Lansweeper lets us quickly identify PCs that are capable of being BitLocker encrypted, but are not. It also lets us see Antivirus that is out of date or disabled. One of my favorite reports on the entire system is “Unauthorized Local Administrators”. I am a stickler when it comes to this and wants to know immediately when a Tier I has created a local admin on a PC that they should not have.

Lansweeper is great for everyone in your IT organization from Tier I to Compliance. We have trained every user in our IT organization on how to create reports, find data and create daily emailed reports. I often come into meetings where another team member is running the meeting based off a Lansweeper report they created. Whether its credit card devices found using registry key scans or Windows 7 PCs that are soon to be End of Life, the data is consistent and available whenever it is needed.

If you haven’t already, get off the fence and try it! You’re not going to regret the decision to be the “GO TO” person in your organization for information.

About Our IT Heroes

Lansweeper IT Heroes are people who’ve become their companies‘ IT Hero with the help of Lansweeper. Did you already experience your Lansweeper Hero moment like Carl’s story? We’re constantly looking for new Hero stories to be told. Reach out to us and let us know.

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