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Introducing Modern Authentication for Office 365 & Intune

2 min. read
By Nils Macharis

April 2021 Release Expands Modern Authentication Capabilities for Microsoft Cloud Services

Our latest 8.3 release extends Lansweeper’s Modern Authentication capabilities for Office 365 & Intune by leveraging Microsoft Cloud Services.

In previous Lansweeper versions, you were already able to set up connections with various Microsoft Cloud Services. Office 365 and Intune used a username and password for this. Microsoft 365 specifically used Basic Authentication, for both scanning and mailing.

From version 8.3 onwards, it is possible to configure a Microsoft Cloud Services application that can be used to perform Office 365 and Intune scanning of enrolled mobile devices. Microsoft will be deprecating Basic Authentication in June 2021 for obvious security reasons. Once officially deprecated, It will no longer be possible to access Exchange Online using Basic Authentication. Modern Authentication has many benefits and improvements that help mitigate the issues present in Basic Authentication.

“There are better and more effective alternatives to authenticate users available today, and we are actively recommending users to move away from apps that use Basic Authentication, to apps that use Modern Authentication (which is OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization)”, Microsoft stated.

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There’s More

In addition to Modern Authentication for Office 365 & Intune, Lansweeper 8.3 provides the option for automatic updating of scanning servers. The auto-update feature will automatically update all scanning servers of your Lansweeper installation. Before updating, a backup of the files is created so that any failed updates can be reverted.

With these powerful new functionalities and a batch of additional improvements, now’s a great time to start your free trial or to update your installation.