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Freshservice Integration

Enrich IT Service Desk Tickets with Lansweeper data.

Lansweeper’s seamless integration with Freshservice enables Lansweeper users to enrich their Freshservice service desk tickets with complete and accurate information about technology assets. This simplifies collecting detailed asset data related to service tickets in Freshservice. 

Freshservice users can leverage the  Lansweeper App for Freshservice to fetch Lansweeper data using an asset’s username, serial number, and Mac or IP address and save it in the Freshservice ticket. The data appears in tabular format in a sidebar within the Freshservice interface, enabling users to view basic asset information without having to toggle back and forth between the two applications. To access the full asset details, users can simply click a hyperlink in the ticket or change the request to switch over to Lansweeper.

With Lansweeper data flowing automatically into Freshservice, customers resolve tickets faster and eliminate tedious manual work that can drive up costs. Service desk staff can quickly assess the impact of potential changes to the infrastructure and align resources to quickly and effectively resolve service requests.

Key Integration Features

  • Search IT assets directly from Lansweeper, right within Freshservice interface. 
  • Import Lansweeper data into the ticket or change the request details page with a few clicks. 
  • Link a single asset to multiple tickets. 
  • Available to all Lansweeper and Freshservice customers, regardless of tier 


  • Lansweeper Starter, Pro, and Enterprise License Tier
  • Lansweeper V10.01 or higher
  • Freshservice Starter, Growth, Pro, and Enterprise License Tier


