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Renew License

When your subscription’s auto-renewal is active, the billing contact will receive an automated e-mail with renewal instructions 14 days prior to your license’s expiration date. At that time, you can choose to renew or cancel your subscription. If you renew your subscription you will receive a new license key that you can apply to your Lansweeper installation.

When renewing, please keep the following in mind:

How to receive a quote or an invoice for your renewal?

When your subscription is active, the billing contact receives an e-mail with all needed renewal information 14 days prior to the license’s expiration date.



By default, an invoice is automatically sent to the billing contact when the purchase and renewal are completed. In case you’d need an invoice prior to payment, please forward a copy of your purchase order to our sales team. Please ensure that this document is on company letterhead, and includes: your order reference number, your billing contact information, the product name at the correct renewal price, and payment terms of NET 30.

Renewing a subscription started by your reseller or partner

If your auto-renewal remained active, your reseller or partner will receive an automated e-mail with renewal instructions 14 days prior to your subscription’s expiration date. Note that any billing-related e-mails are only sent to your reseller/partner, not to you directly.