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Active Directory Users Without E-Mail Address Audit

Active Directory Users

Find Active Directory Users Without an E-mail Address

List all active directory users in your environment that do not have an email address listed in their active directory information. This audit allows you to identify users who have missing information since Lansweeper scans a wide variety of AD user information.  No need to use PowerShell or Command Line scripts, Lansweeper scans AD information without the need of any scripts of agents. Run the audit below and start taking action instantly.

Active directory User has no e-mail address

Active Directory Users Without E-Mail Address Query

Select Top 1000000 Case
    When tblADusers.Displayname Is Null Or
      tblADusers.Displayname = '' Then tblADusers.Userdomain + '\' +
    Else tblADusers.Displayname
  End As Displayname,
  tblADusers.email As [E-mail],
  'usersm.png' As icon,
  tblADusers.IsEnabled As EnabledInAD,
From tblADusers
Where (tblADusers.email Like '' Or tblADusers.email Is Null)
Order By Displayname

