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Windows PnP Drivers Chart

Chart Hardware Operating System Software

Get an Overview of Your PnP Drivers

Lansweeper is able to scan three different types of drivers, Plug and Play (PnP) drivers, System drivers, and Printer drivers along with all the related details like their version, date, state, and more. Using chart reports, you’ll be able to get a better overview of the current status of your drivers. The report below provides you with an overview of how many PnP drivers you have along with their versions. You can read more about using driver data in the Pro Tips blog post.
To use this in a chart widget, prefix the report name with „Chart:“ and select it in the chart report widget found on a dashboard.
pnp drivers chart

PnP Drivers Chart Query

Select Top 1000000 Concat(pnpdu.Description, ' - ', pnpd.DriverVersion) as Driver,
count(a.AssetID) as Assets
From tblAssets a
Left Join tblAssetCustom ac On ac.AssetID = a.AssetID
Join tblPnPSignedDrivers pnpd On a.AssetID = pnpd.AssetID
Join tblPnPSignedDriversUni pnpdu On pnpd.PnPSignedDriverUniID =
Left Join tblState st On st.State = ac.State
Where pnpd.PDO Is Not Null And pnpd.PDO <> '' And Lower(st.Statename) = 'active'
group By pnpdu.Description,
order by assets desc

