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Average Time Until Initial Ticket Response, by Month


Find the Reaction Time of Your Helpdesk Agents

Get an overview of the average time until an initial response has been sent per month. Keeping track of the performance of your agents is obviously important to keep service quality up to standard. The average time until an initial response has been sent plays a big part in user experience. Manage how long an initial response takes on average with this built-in report and make sure that users do not wait too long before they get an initial response. Average Time Until Initial Ticket Response, by Month

Average Time Until Initial Ticket Response, by Month Query

Select Top 1000000 DatePart(yyyy, htblticket.date) As Year,
  DatePart(mm, htblticket.date) As Month,
  Convert(Decimal(10,4),Avg(Cast(DateDiff(ss, htblticket.date,
  InitialResponseDate.FirstPublicReply) As decimal) / 86400)) As AverageDays
From htblticket
  Inner Join (Select Top 1000000 htblnotes.ticketid,
        Min(htblnotes.date) As FirstPublicReply
      From htblnotes
        Inner Join htblagents On htblagents.userid = htblnotes.userid
      Where htblnotes.notetype = 1
      Group By htblnotes.ticketid) As InitialResponseDate On
    InitialResponseDate.ticketid = htblticket.ticketid
Where htblticket.spam <> 'True'
Group By DatePart(yyyy, htblticket.date),
  DatePart(mm, htblticket.date)
Order By Year Desc,
  Month Desc

