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Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG: “From trial to main reporting service for IT Assets in 10 days”.

Based in Austria, Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG is a steel manufacturing company that produces high-end quality steel products that can be found in a wide range of applications, ranging from energy production, racing and aviation to the food industry. The IT Team from Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG in Austria is using Lansweeper to support their mission to ensure the availability of all systems and SLAs, to protect against cyber-risks and to play a key part in the digital transformation.

Business Challenge

  • Needed a solution for IT Asset Management to have visibility into their IT infrastructure 
  • Accelerate incident response with rapid access to data to keep on track with their IT-Security roadmap


  • Gained immediate and complete visibility across the entire infrastructure
  • Created a single source of truth for insights and reporting
  • Increased ability to mitigate risk from vulnerabilities, malware and security threats

„We installed the trial version on a monitoring server. 10 days later, Lansweeper was our main reporting service for IT assets.“

Karl-Heinz Brandstätter
IT System Administrator, Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG

IT has changed over the last years, it has moved from basic support functions to be a business enabler and create opportunities for all company processes. Some companies in our industry already understand the opportunities of AI, the power of automation, the importance of security, and all the knowledge that is hidden in the data lake. It’s part of our mission to support the digital transformation.

We are using different state-of-the-art products and services to complete our mission:

  • An ML-System which is able to protect our network and alert us instantly on security issues.
  • A network monitor which is able to measure SLA and alert us on errors.
  • A security center that is able to show us improvements that can be done to enhance security and reduce risk.

However… we were missing a solution which is able to help us with IT Asset Management. One of our team members knew Lansweeper from his previous job and introduced us to Lansweeper. We installed the trial version on a monitoring server. 10 days later, Lansweeper was our main reporting service for IT assets. It gave us a quick insight into vulnerabilities and helps us now to keep us on track on our IT-Security roadmap.

IT Asset Management is a core function for planning a budget but it is also a key role to enhance security and protect the company assets against cybersecurity attacks and risks. If an OS manufacturer, a software distributor, or a security provider tells you that a protocol isn’t secure anymore (e.g. SMBv1), you start patching. Or in many cases, you start to plan it on a roadmap because you can’t patch a production server anytime and you have to wait for the next production shutdown phase.

Lansweeper’s reporting capabilities help us to stay on track on our roadmap since the data is already in the database, we just need to pull down a report. If a new vulnerability arises, we start a search at the Lansweeper community forum. In many cases like the Google Zero-day exploitMicrosoft Patch Tuesday, or Mozilla Remote Execution Bug, Lansweeper has already created a report so we just need to copy-paste it and start evaluating our infrastructure. Since we are using Lansweeper it is pretty easy to fulfill our compliance guide because we are just one report click away to check if every data disk is encrypted, every firewall is online and virus protection is up and running on all assets.

„If a new vulnerability arises, in many cases Lansweeper has already created a report so we just need to copy-paste it and start evaluating our infrastructure.“

Karl-Heinz Brandstätter
IT System Administrator, Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG

Another report which is super useful for us is the „all installed software“ report so we are able to get a detailed overview of all software bundles our assets are using. Framework updates are always a bit pain in the ass because we are not able to patch it immediately. For example Java, we started the report, and instantly we saw companywide 31 different installed java frameworks and we were able to investigate immediately.

The report builder is pretty easy to use so we have created many reports like an asset overview using warranty and purchase date so it is easier for us to plan our IT budget for the next years. If you haven’t already, the entire team would recommend starting your Free Lansweeper Trial and experience the value it can offer in no time.