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Introducing Lansweeper’s 2023 Winter Release: ‘Chouffe’

4 min. read
By Laura Libeer

New year, New Lansweeper Launch. It is time for the Lansweeper 2023 Winter Release: ‘Chouffe’. As always, the launch brings with it a number of long-awaited new features. Think about the Marketplace and the first preview of the new Diagrams feature, as well as general improvements to your Lansweeper experience. Let’s have a look at what this launch has to offer, or check out the ‘Chouffe’ launch Keynote presentation here.

Our Winter 2023 Launch Keynote was filled with exciting stuff: where we’re going, what’s coming up, customer insights, and feature launches. Missed it or need a recap? Watch on-demand here.

What’s New?

Browse Through Our Integrations in the Marketplace

Over the last couple of years, you may have noticed the ever-growing stock of ready-made integrations on offer. Maybe you are already using some of them to funnel your Lansweeper data right into your favorite IT tools. With the new Marketplace, you can do so straight from your Lansweeper console. Browse through the myriad of options, and easily select the integrations that will help you achieve your IT projects and goals.

Visualize your IT Estate with Diagrams

Lansweeper aims to bring you the most accurate and complete overview of your entire IT estate. Sorting through the abundance of data can be a challenge. We want to give you as many tools as we can to easily spot the information you need. After lists, reports, and dashboard widgets, the new Diagrams feature now offers you a whole new way to visualize your IT data. Diagrams show you your assets and their dependencies at a glance and give you a whole new insight into your IT estate. This feature is still in preview for now, so make sure to share your feedback with us, to help us build the best possible experience for you.

Personalize Your Lansweeper Experience with Customized Views

Is there too much information on your screen, or is the one thing you needed to know missing from your overview? Time to take matters into your own hands, by creating, saving, sharing, and exporting your own customized views. Personalize your Lansweeper experience, by selecting the fields that are most relevant to you and order them however you see fit to easily find the data you need without the need for reports.


API Enhancements

As always improvements continue to be made to the Lansweeper API:

  • Asset relationships and installation info are now visible when you request asset information.
  • Monitor-type assets now show advanced monitor information.
  • Access report information directly from the API.
  • The Asset Type List allows you to be alerted when a new asset with a new asset type is added to your site.

OT Scanner Enhancements

To give you even better insight into your OT estate a whole new range of protocols was added to the OT scanner. Improvements have been made to the rack configuration visualization and you can now also find your OT data in the report builder.

Lansweeper Cloud Enhancements

The Chouffe Launch of course also features a number of enhancements to the Lansweeper Cloud to continue to improve your overall Lansweeper experience, including:

  • The “Ignore” vulnerability capability now allows you to ignore vulnerabilities in Risk Insights that are not relevant to you.
  • All export restrictions for views and reports have been lifted. You can now export as many results, as many times as you want.
  • Custom field management has been improved to provide a smoother experience based on users’ feedback.

Lansweeper Classic Enhancements

As with Cloud, this release continues to improve upon Lansweeper Classic as well. The Chouffe launch adds 18,000 new Entries to the SNMP OID lookup list to facilitate accurate device identification. When scanning VMware clusters or hosts, Lansweeper now also extracts VMotion-related properties. To give you easy access to this information, you can find a new report “VMware: vMotion overview” in the report library.

2023 Winter Release

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