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Knowledge Base for IT Professionals

Knowledge Base Management Made Easy

Our knowledge base provides people with answers to their questions without them having to ask for help directly. This way your customers can quickly find the information they need, while your colleagues in your service desk team save time. Lansweeper’s knowledge base provides many advantages, both for your customers and your team.

  • Your customers will easily find answers to their problems.
  • Your service desk team will receive less support requests.
  • Your staff will have to spend less time looking for information.
  • You will increase agent productivity.
  • You will enable and stimulate internal knowledge sharing.
  • Your internal and external training and education programs will be easily enriched.

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Knowledge Base Software

Knowledge Base for Internal and External Use

Knowledge bases can be used for internal and external purposes. You can maintain product information and user instructions in a support knowledge base for customers, while collecting work instructions for your colleagues in an IT knowledge base. Lansweeper provides you with both.

KB Hover

Lansweeper: Powerful, yet Easy-To-Use Knowledge Base Management

The integrated Lansweeper Knowledge Base offers a centralized repository for essential information and content. The powerful knowledge center software allows you to build rich knowledge base articles on your environment and present searchable self-service options to streamline internal and external processes.

KB Content

Easily Organize Content

With Lansweeper, you can document fixes, changes, known issues, workarounds, and anything else to optimize your service desk team’s performance. By creating configurable topics, you can easily organize your articles in a structured and logical way. For a more detailed explanation of how you configure your articles and knowledge base, check out our  . Lansweeper’s Knowledge Base supports various types of media, such as text, images, audio, video, and other media formats.

KB Permissions

Grant & Restrict Access to Content & Documentation

Not all knowledge is meant for everyone. Lansweeper’s Knowledge Base allows efficient management by making the right content accessible to the right people. Flexible permission settings allow customizable user roles. Grant and restrict access to specific categories and teams, resulting in different experiences for different groups of users.

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How to build your knowledge base?

Creating and filling your knowledge base is a long-term project. Collecting and creating the right content takes time and dedication, but it is worth the effort. And do not worry, your knowledge base is already useful, long before you have collected all the required content.

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Start Building Your Knowledge Base by Following These Steps:

  1. Map out all the necessary content: By listening to your customers (external or internal), you can list up all frequently asked questions. After you have collected these, start with the next batch of questions and misunderstandings.
  2. Collect all existing content: When you have collected all content topics, it is time to collect all relevant existing information.
  3. Organize all content: To get the most out of your content, you need to structure it based on the user’s logic. Ask yourself what information he needs and in what form and order.
  4. Create new content: There will undoubtedly still be gaps in the collected content. That means you will have to create new content. Always start from the user’s point of view. What information do they need in what form?

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