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How Asset Discovery Enhances Security Incident Response

5 min. read
By Laura Libeer

You may be wondering, what is asset discovery in cyber security? It’s the process of identifying and cataloging all assets across your organization’s IT environment – hardware, software, cloud resources, and even shadow IT. This process is foundational for understanding the full scope of your organization’s attack surface and ensuring that all potential entry points are known and monitored. 

Why is asset management important for cybersecurity? Because when a security incident occurs, knowing exactly what assets are in your environment – and their current status – helps security teams quickly identify affected systems, isolate threats, and determine the scope of an incident. 

In this blog, we explore benefits of asset discovery for cybersecurity incident response, best practices for implementing asset discovery, and a real-world case study where effective asset discovery via Lansweeper made a big difference.

Benefits of Asset Discovery in Security Incident Response

Asset discovery is the foundation of an effective security strategy. By identifying and cataloging every asset in your environment, you gain a clear understanding of the attack surface. This comprehensive inventory is crucial during a security incident because it allows you to quickly pinpoint which assets are affected. Without asset discovery, you might miss critical components that could lead to a larger breach or incomplete remediation. Essentially, knowing what you have is the first step to protecting it.

Enhancing Threat Detection and Vulnerability Management 

Once you have a complete inventory of your assets, you can map out where vulnerabilities exist within your environment and prioritize them based on the criticality of the assets involved. This proactive approach means you can address weaknesses before they’re exploited by attackers. What’s more, continuously monitoring your assets allows you to detect any unauthorized changes or anomalies that could indicate a security breach, so you can take rapid action.

Improving Incident Response Time and Effectiveness 

When a security incident occurs, speed is critical. Access to an up-to-date, detailed inventory of all your assets enables your security team to quickly assess the situation, isolate affected systems, and begin remediation efforts. It reduces the time it takes to contain and resolve the incident, minimizing damage. IBM’s latest Cost of a Data Breach Report found that companies with a strong security incident plan, anchored by thorough asset discovery, reduced breach costs by 61%, saving over $2.6 million compared to the global average.

Integrating Asset Discovery with Incident Response Processes

Integrating asset discovery into your computer incident response plan template begins with building and maintaining complete and accurate technology asset inventory. Here are the three incident response stages:

  • Detection and Analysis: Asset discovery data allows security teams to quickly identify which assets are affected by an incident and assess the potential impact. 
  • Containment, Eradication, and Recovery: Knowing the exact configurations and locations of all assets enables more effective and targeted responses, minimizing downtime and preventing the spread of the threat.
  • Post-Incident Activity: Asset discovery data supports thorough reviews and helps in refining response strategies for future incidents.

Asset discovery data is crucial for prioritizing incidents based on the criticality of affected assets. With a detailed inventory on-hand, security teams can quickly assess which systems or data are most vital to the organization and require immediate attention. In other words, asset discovery data would help prioritize this incident over others that might impact less critical systems.

Automation is key. If an asset is flagged as compromised, the system can automatically isolate the affected asset from the network, initiate logging and alerting, and even deploy patches or other remediation actions without manual intervention. 

Best Practices for Implementing Asset Discovery in IT Security Incident Response

To effectively implement asset discovery as part of your cybersecurity incident response strategy, consider the following best practices:

  • Choose the Right Asset Discovery Solution: Assess your organization’s specific needs, including the size and complexity of your IT environment, and select a solution that provides complete coverage across IT, OT, IoT and cloud. Other capabilities to look for include scalable, flexible solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing security and incident response systems.
  • Configure the tool for optimal results: Regularly update and fine-tune the configuration of your asset discovery solution to ensure it’s detecting all relevant assets, including new and transient devices. Set up automated scanning schedules to maintain an up-to-date inventory without manual intervention, and customize the tool to align with your organization’s network architecture and security policies for more accurate and relevant results.
  • Ensure Data Privacy and Compliance: Implement strict access controls to ensure that sensitive asset data is protected and only accessible to authorized personnel. Ensure your asset discovery practices comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA and others, and be sure to audit your asset discovery process regularly, to confirm that it adheres to your organization’s data privacy policies and industry regulations.

Case Studies: Asset Discovery’s Impact on Security Incident Response

B2B Cyber Secure, a cybersecurity advisory firm leveraged Lansweeper’s IT asset discovery platform to enhance their incident response capabilities. The company gained comprehensive visibility across the IT environments of all their clients, which was particularly critical during the shift to remote work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

By maintaining a detailed asset inventory, they achieved a 30% reduction in unpatched software and a 40% decrease in overall security risks. Additionally, the return on investment (ROI) of asset discovery is evident in reduced downtime, lower remediation costs, and a more secure network environment. Read the full case study.

Strengthen Incident Response with Lansweeper

Lansweeper helps organizations across industries enhance cybersecurity and incident response through effective asset discovery. By helping them maintain a complete and accurate asset inventory, Lansweeper empowers organizations to implement software patches in a timely manner, and prioritize remediation efforts in case of a breach, minimizing downtime and financial impact. 

Learn more about Lansweeper for cybersecurity and incident response, or try Lansweeper for free, today.