¡Descubra las novedades de Lansweeper! Explora nuestro lanzamiento de verano 2024 🚀 Más información


Game Console

Video game consoles from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo designed for entertainment can be a part of any network, especially with the increasing mobility of these devices and the inclusion of video game consoles in break rooms. With more and more devices connecting to the network as part of their expanding feature set, the network complexity of any business also expands. The fact that no admin is required to set them up, can make your network quickly spin out of control, but with Lansweeper you can set up automated reports, that will alert you when new devices are detected in your network.

Scanned Game Console Information

GAME-CONSOLE-SCANNING Lansweeper retrieves data from devices by using a wide range of protocols to scan. Most consumer-grade network-capable devices support UPNP which Lansweeper uses to retrieve device information. Scanned game console information includes:
  • DNS Name
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • IP Address

Upnp Device Scanner


Start Now! Discover all Game Console Assets in Your Network