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Cloud Platform

Single Sign-On Preview Live

2 min. read
By Esben Dochy
Cloud SSO Blog Image Base Featured

Single Sign-On has been a much-requested feature and we’re happy to oblige. From now on the SSO preview is available in Lansweeper Cloud!

New in your Lansweeper Cloud’s profile page and in your website’s settings, you can find the preview version of SSO. By configuring SSO in your profile settings page, you can set up SSO and force it on all of your website’s users in the website settings.

More Convenience

Single Sign-On will let you configure an authentication method to reduce the number of logins a user needs to do. This brings some obvious convenience advantages with it like less password management on the IT side and easier and quicker log-ins for the end-user. Additionally, you’re able to use Multi-factor authentication for one single point instead of having to enable it for every login your users use.

More Security

Using SSO, you’ll be able to enhance the security of your organization. Prevent password fatigue causing users to create multiple similar passwords, easily enforce your password policy in one place, and use a stronger password policy since users only have one password to remember.

Lansweeper’s SSO lets you use either a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) or an OpenID Connect (OIDC) connection to set up your SSO and is compatible with all identity providers.


Since it is still early days for our SSO feature, it will be listed as a preview feature while we expand the capabilities and implement additional feedback.

If you’re looking to implement SSO in your Lansweeper Cloud site, we’ve got a brand new SSO knowledgebase article ready.