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Built for Global Organizations to Fuel Any IT Scenario

Lansweeper Cloud is an extension of our product – bringing you additional features – and is included in our current licensing plans.


Gestiona sin esfuerzo tus activos tecnológicos

Construimos nuestra plataforma pensando en los profesionales de TI para ofrecerte una visibilidad granular de tu parque de TI, OT e IoT.

Descubre todos los activos informáticos

Consigue una visibilidad completa en una única solución fácil de usar con el descubrimiento integral de activos de TI de Lansweeper. Elimina los puntos ciegos con una visibilidad realmente exhaustiva de cada dispositivo, usuario y software en todo el parque tecnológico.

Consigue una visibilidad completa de tu infraestructura OT

El descubrimiento de OT reúne tu estado OT e IT en un único panel de cristal. Escanea dispositivos de fabricantes populares aprovechando protocolos OT especializados.

Un Inventario de Activos unificado

Consolida y normaliza todos los datos de activos en un inventario centralizado. Consigue una visibilidad completa de tus entornos tecnológicos distribuidos, ve quién es el propietario de los activos que poseen, dónde están ubicados y quién los utiliza.

Detalles completos de los activos al alcance de tu mano

Identifica y evalúa los detalles para gestionar activamente tus activos tecnológicos. Encuentra activos con rasgos específicos y profundiza en sus detalles de hardware, software y usuario.

Visualiza los datos de tus activos

Consulta los cuadros de mando descendentes para supervisar tu patrimonio tecnológico y profundizar en los detalles cuando sea necesario.

Informes potentes y procesables

Haz cualquier pregunta sobre tu patrimonio tecnológico y encuentra la respuesta mediante un generador de informes intuitivo. Corta y trocea los datos para encontrar riesgos de seguridad, apoyar auditorías, optimizar costes, evaluar la sostenibilidad y mucho más.

Analiza los riesgos y rastrea las amenazas potenciales

Aprovecha la información del catálogo del NIST para priorizar los riesgos y proteger tus activos de las vulnerabilidades conocidas. Gana visibilidad de los activos que tienen vulnerabilidades conocidas y benefíciate de un triaje y una respuesta a incidentes más rápidos.

Rastrea los activos informáticos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida

Accede a la información del ciclo de vida para seguir el estado de soporte de los productos de tu entorno, lo que te permitirá ver cuáles de tus activos de hardware y Sistemas Operativos llegarán al final de su vida útil.

Visualiza los datos de tus activos con Diagramas

Descubre de un vistazo las relaciones entre tus activos con diagramas generados dinámicamente sobre tu inventario. Genera topologías de red, arquitecturas en la nube, estructuras AD y mucho más.

Perfectamente integrado con tu pila tecnológica

Actúa y da soporte a amplios casos de uso mediante integraciones API. Integra Lansweeper con tus otras herramientas y sistemas mediante integraciones plug and play certificadas.

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Manage Multiple Instances in 1 Place

Lansweeper Cloud federates data from all local Lansweeper discovery instances into a single source of truth. Global organizations can connect multiple, geographically distributed office locations – no matter how far apart – and gain deep insights into the entire IT environment from a single site.

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Identify Critical Vulnerabilities & Threats

Leverage vulnerability information from the NIST catalog connected to your assets and benefit from vulnerability insights. Gain visibility of assets that have known vulnerabilities along with a severity indicator, and benefit from faster triage and incident response.

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Track IT Assets Throughout the Lifecycle & Optimize Costs

Find which of your hardware assets and Operating Systems will go end of life. Access lifecycle information to track the support status of products in your environment, allowing you to plan future purchases, replacements, upgrades, and assess security-related risks due to lifecycle status.

Lansweeper IT Reporting

Technology Data for All

Building reports has never been easier. Users can now create their own reports in minutes without having the need for in-depth database expertise. The revamped intuitive drag-and-drop report builder offers real-time results while building the report itself, making it much easier to understand what is going on. Sharing reports & dashboards throughout your team and organization has never been easier, truly unlocking your IT data.

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Complete Visbility for Operational Technology (OT)

Lansweeper OT enables organizations to scan, detect and identify a wide range of OT devices from popular manufacturers leveraging native OT protocols. Maintain a complete and accurate OT Inventory with detailed data about each device. Avoid vulnerabilities and attacks by remediating outdated firmware versions, reducing downtime, and optimizing the cost and performance of your OT.

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Visualize Your IT Asset Data with Diagrams

The diagramming capabilities in Lansweeper enhance your experience of discovering and understanding the state of your inventory. Discover at a glance the relations between your assets with dynamically generated diagrams (network topologies, virtual environments) on top of your inventory.

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Fuel Any IT Scenario

Our integration framework and API open the gates to easy integrations and empowers Lansweeper users to support multiple IT scenarios with up-to-date, accurate IT Inventory data at all times and connect that data to external technologies and solutions. You can use Lansweeper’s API framework & standard integrations to auto-populate your CMDB and keep it up to date, to achieve Service Desk excellence, enrich incident alerts, and so on. No matter what the IT scenario, the data is there, it’s accurate, and it’s ready to use.

Software Normalization

Clean, Unified, Reliable Data

Automated normalization of software data transforms it into a standardized format to obtain clean and unified data. Streamline federated data such as software names, versions, vendors, models, firmware, and more.

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Control Who Sees What

Gain precise control of user access across assets and locations through roles & permissions. With Lansweeper’s new permissions system, you can delegate tasks to specific users without giving them full access to all of your data. Single Sign-On (SSO) will let you configure an authentication method to reduce the number of logins a user needs to do while enhancing the security of your organization.

«The time and cost savings we realize from using Lansweeper Cloud to collect and consolidate all of the IT asset data across all our properties is substantial. At the same time, we gain unprecedented insights that will help us optimize IT spend and performance across the enterprise.»

1280px Radisson Hotel Group logo.svg
Ben Vrijsen
Manager IT Field Services EMEA, Radisson

Get Started Right Away

Lansweeper Cloud is an extension of our current product – bringing you additional features – and is included in our licensing plans.