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Computer Manufacturer Summary Chart

Chart Hardware

Find Which Manufacturers Are the Most Used in Your Network

A varied IT environment is no exception these days. To get a sense of the state of your IT environments, it is important to be able to have an overview of your IT. With this chart report, you can have a quick overview of the different computer manufacturers of your environment on your dashboard so you always have the information available at a glance. Below you can find an example of one of the chart types that can be used in the chart report widget.
To use this in a chart widget, prefix the report name with «Chart:» and select it in the chart report widget found on a dashboard.
Computer manufacturer chart

Computer Manufacturer Summary Chart Query

Select Top 1000000 Case Coalesce(tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, '')
    When '' Then 'Unknown'
    Else Coalesce(tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, '')
  End As Compmanufacturer,
  Count(tblAssets.AssetID) As Total
From tblAssets
  Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.State = 1 And tblAssets.Assettype = -1
Group By Case Coalesce(tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, '')
    When '' Then 'Unknown'
    Else Coalesce(tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, '')
Order By Total Desc

