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Windows 11 Requirements Audit

Hardware Components Operating System

Getting Ready for Windows 11

Windows 10 will go end of life in 2025. It will be followed up Windows 11. Running an unsupported version of Windows can be a significant security risk for your organization since those computers will no longer get critical security patches. Additionally, you won’t be able to rely on Microsoft for any issues regarding the operating system either. Once Windows 10 reaches end of life in 2025, it is important that you have finished moving all your computers to Windows 11. Find more information on the win11 minimum system requirements in our dedicated blog: Is Your Business Ready for Windows 11?


Microsoft has not been very clear on its system requirements. Compared to Windows 10, these are much stricter and it won’t be as easy as updating to a new Windows 10 version. To prevent confusion, you can find the official Microsoft requirements here which we use in our report. The current report uses the following requirements:

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC)

Note: The report uses the provided 64-bit processor list to check compatibility.

RAM: 4 gigabyte (GB)
Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device
System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable

Note: The report does not use secure boot as a hard requirement (indicated by the row colors) since capability cannot be scanned. To scan the Secure boot state, you can add the following configuration to your registry scanning.

Regpath: SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SecureBoot\State
Regvalue: UEFISecureBootEnabled

TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0
Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver

Note: The report does not use this as a hard requirement as it is not scanned. Instead, it displays the GPU’s name.

Display: High definition (720p) display that is greater than 9” diagonally, 8 bits per color channel

Note: The report checks whether your GPU outputs an image in 720p, 8bit or higher. It does not contain display size and neither are used as a hard requirement.

The report below provided an overview of which devices are capable of running Windows 11. A device is considered capable when it meets the processor, RAM, storage, BIOS mode, and TPM requirements listed above.

Windows 11 requirements report

2022/10/20 – Updated CPU requirements
2023/08/17 – Updated Disk Space requirements and new CPUs
2024/01/08 – Updated CPU requirements
2024/03/12 – Fixed minor issues, added drive letter

Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
Coalesce(tsysOS.Image, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10) As icon,
tblProcessor.Name As CPU,
diskspace.Caption as [Drive Letter],
diskspace.free as [Free Disk Space(GB)],
When CPU.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID And (TPM.[TPM Version] Is Not Null and TPM.[TPM Version] = 'Pass')
And BIOS.[BIOS Type] = 'Pass' And RAM.RAM = 'Pass' And tblAssets.AssetID =
diskspace.AssetID Then 'Yes'
Else 'No'
End As [W11 Compatible],
When CPU.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID Then 'Pass'
Else 'Fail'
End As [CPU Compatible],
When TPM.[TPM Version] Is Null Then 'Fail'
Else TPM.[TPM Version]
End As [TPM Version 2.0],
When SecureBoot.Value = 0 Then 'No'
When SecureBoot.Value = 1 Then 'Yes'
Else 'RegKey not found'
End As [Secure Boot Enabled],
When tblAssets.AssetID = diskspace.AssetID and diskspace.TotalSize > 64
Then 'Pass'
Else 'Fail'
End As [Disk Space > 64GB],
Screen.Caption As [Video Card],
Screen.[GPU Output],
Screen.[Video Card State],
Screen.Screen As [GPU Output > 720p, 8bit],
tblOperatingsystem.Caption As OS,
tblComputersystem.SystemType As [OS Architecture],
When tblErrors.ErrorText Is Not Null Or
tblErrors.ErrorText != '' Then
'Scanning Error: ' + tsysasseterrortypes.ErrorMsg
Else ''
End As ScanningErrors,
When CPU.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID And TPM.[TPM Version] Is Not Null And
BIOS.[BIOS Type] = 'Pass' And RAM.RAM = 'Pass' And tblAssets.AssetID =
diskspace.AssetID Then '#d4f4be'
Else '#ffadad'
End As backgroundcolor
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Inner Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID =
Inner Join tblState On tblState.State = tblAssetCustom.State
Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblOperatingsystem.AssetID
Left Join (Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblErrors.AssetID As ID,
Max(tblErrors.Teller) As ErrorID
From tblErrors
Group By tblErrors.AssetID) As ScanningError On tblAssets.AssetID =
Left Join tblErrors On ScanningError.ErrorID = tblErrors.Teller
Left Join tsysasseterrortypes On tsysasseterrortypes.Errortype =
Left Join tsysOS On tsysOS.OScode = tblAssets.OScode
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
Where ((

tblProcessor.name LIKE '%AMD%3015e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%AMD%3020e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%3000G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%320GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%7120e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%7120U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%7220e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%7220U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Silver%3050C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Silver%3050e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Silver%3050GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Silver%3050U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3125GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%3150GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%Gold%4150GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Athlon%3045B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7252%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7262%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7272%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7282%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7302%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7313%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7343%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7352%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7402%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7413%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7443%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7452%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7453%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7502%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7513%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7532%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7542%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7543%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7552%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7642%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7643%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7662%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7663%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7702%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7713%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7742%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7763%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7232P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%72F3%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7302P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7313P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%73F3%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7402P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7443P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%74F3%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7502P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7543P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%75F3%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7702P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7713P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7F32%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7F52%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7F72%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%EPYC%7H12%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%%R2312%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%%R2314%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%%R2514%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%%R2544%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%Z1%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%Z1%Extreme%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%2300X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3200G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3200GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3200U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3250C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3250U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3350U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4300G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5125C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5300G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5400U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5425C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5425U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7320e%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7320U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7330U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7335U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7440U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5380U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3200G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3200GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%3300U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4350G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4350GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4450U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5350G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5350GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5450U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%5475U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%7330U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4355G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3%4355GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%2600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%2500X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%2600E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%2600X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3350G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3350GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3400G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3400GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3450U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3500C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3500U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3500X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3550H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3580U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3600X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3600XT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4500U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4600G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4600GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4600H%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4600HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4600U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5300G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5300GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5425U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5500U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5560U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5600X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5625C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5625U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6600H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6600HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6600U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7520U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7530U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7535HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7535U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7540U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7600X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7640HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7640S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7640U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7645HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7640H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%2600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5645%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3350G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3350GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3400G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3400GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%3500U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4650G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4650GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4650U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5475U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5650G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5650GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5650HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5650HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5650U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5675U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5750G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%5750GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6650H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6650HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%6650U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7530U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7540U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%7640U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4655G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5%4655GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%2700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%2700E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%2700X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3700C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3700U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3700X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3750H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3780U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3800X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3800XT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4700G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4700GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4700U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4800HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4800U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5700G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5700GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5700U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5700X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5800X3D%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5825C%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5825U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6800HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6800U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6810U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7700X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7730U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7735HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7735U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7736U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7745HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7800X3D%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7840H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7840HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7840S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7840U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%2700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5845%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%2700X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%3700U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4750G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4750GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%4750U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5850HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5850HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5850U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%5875U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6850H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6850HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6850U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%6860Z%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7730U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%7%7840U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%3900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%3900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%3900XT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%3950X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%4900H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%4900HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5900HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5900HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5950X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5980HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5980HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6900HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6900HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6980HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6980HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7845HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7900X3D%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7940H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7940HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7945HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7950X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%7950X3D%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%3900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%5945%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6950H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%9%6950HS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%V2516%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%V2546%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%V2718%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%V2748%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3945WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3955WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3975WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%3995WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5945WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5955WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5965WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5975WX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Ryzen%5995WX%'
) And
(tblProcessor.Manufacturer Like '%' Or
tblProcessor.Manufacturer Like '%Advanced%')) Or
tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6200FE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6211E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6212RE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6413E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6414RE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6425E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6425RE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Atom%x6427FE%' or
tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%6305%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%7300%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%7305%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%3867U%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%4205U%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%4305U%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%4305UE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%5205U%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%5305U%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%6305E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%6600HE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%7305E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%7305L%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4900%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4900T%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4920%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4930%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4930E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4930T%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4932E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G4950%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5900%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5900E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5900T%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5900TE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5905%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5905T%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5920%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G5925%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G6900%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G6900E%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G6900T%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%G6900TE%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J4005%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J4025%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J4105%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J4115%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J4125%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J6412%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%J6413%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4000%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4020%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4100%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4120%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4500%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N4505%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N5100%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N5105%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N6210%'
OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Celeron%N6211%' or
tblProcessor.name like '%13th gen%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1000G1%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1000G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1005G1%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10100Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10105%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10105F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10105T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10110U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10110Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10300T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10305%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10305T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10320%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%10325%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%11100HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1110G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1115G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1115G4E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1115GRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1120G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1125G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12100E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12100F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12100T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12100TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1210U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1215U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1215UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1215UL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1220P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1220PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12300HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12300HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%12300T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1305U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13100E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13100F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13100T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13100TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1315U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1315UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%1320PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%13300HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8100B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8100H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8100T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8109U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8130U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8140U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8145U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8145UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8300T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%8350K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9100TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9300T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9320%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9350K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%9350KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%N300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i3%N305%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10200H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10210U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10210Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10300H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1030G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1030G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10310U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10310Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1035G1%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1035G4%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1035G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1038NG7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10400F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10400H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10500E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10500H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10500TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10505%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10600KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%10600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11260H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11300H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1130G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11320H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1135G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11400F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11400H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1140G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1145G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1145G7E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1145GRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11500H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11500HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1155G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11600KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%11600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1230U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1235U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1235UL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12400F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1240P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1240U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12450H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12450HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1245U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1245UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1245UL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12500TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1250P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1250PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%12600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1334U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1335U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1335UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13400E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13400F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1340P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1340PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13420H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13450HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1345U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1345UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13490F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13500TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13505H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1350P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%1350PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%13600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8200Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8210Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8250U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8257U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8259U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8260U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8265U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8269U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8279U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8300H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8305G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8310Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8350U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8365U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8365UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8400B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8400H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8500B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%8600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9300H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9300HF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9400F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9400H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9500E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9500F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9500TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9600K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9600KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i5%9600T%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10510U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10510Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1060G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10610U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1065G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1068G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1068NG7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10700TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10710U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10750H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10810U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10850H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10870H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%10875H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11370H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11375H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11390H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11600H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1160G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1165G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11700F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11700KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1180G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11850H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%11850HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1185G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1185G7E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1185GRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1195G7%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1250U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1255U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1255UL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1260P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1260U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12650H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12650HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1265U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1265UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1265UL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12700TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1270P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1270PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12800HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12800HL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12800HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1280P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%12850HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1355U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1360P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13620H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13650HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1365U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1365UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13700TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13705H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1370P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%1370PE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13790F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13800H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13800HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%13850HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%7800X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%7820HQ%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%7820X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8086K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8500Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8550U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8557U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8559U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8565U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8569U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8650U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8665U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8665UE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8700B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8705G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8706G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8709G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8750H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8809G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%8850H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9700TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9750H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9750HF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9800X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9850H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9850HE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i7%9850HL%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10850K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10885H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10920X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10940X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10980HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%10980XE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11900T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11950H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%11980HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900KS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12900TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%12950HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900KS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13900TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13905H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13950HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%13980HX%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%7900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%7920X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%7940X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%7960X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%7980XE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%8950HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9820X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9880H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900K%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900KF%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900KS%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9900X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9920X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9940X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9960X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9980HK%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%i9%9980XE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Core%m3%8100Y%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%4417U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%4425Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%5405U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%6405U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%6500Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%6805%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%7505%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%8500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%8505%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5420%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5420T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5600E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5600T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G5620%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6400E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6400TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6405%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6405T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6500%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6500T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6505%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6505T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6600%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G6605%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G7400%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G7400E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G7400T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Gold%G7400TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%J6426%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%N6415%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%J5005%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%J5040%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%N5000%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%N5030%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%N6000%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Pentium%Silver%N6005%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%N100%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%N200%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%N50%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%N95%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%N97%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%U300%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%U300E%' or

   tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Bronze%3104%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Bronze%3106%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Bronze%3204%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Bronze%3206R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1702%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1712TR%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1713NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1713NTE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1714%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1715TER%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1718T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1722NE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1726%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1732TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1733NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1735TR%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1736%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1736NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1739%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1746TER%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1747NTE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1748TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-1749NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2712T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2733NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2738%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2752NTE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2752TER%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2753NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2766NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2775TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2776NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2779%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2786NTE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2795NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2796NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2796TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2798NT%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%D-2799%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2104G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2124%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2124G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2126G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2134%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2136%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2144G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2146G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2174G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2176G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2176M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2186G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2186M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2224%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2224G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2226G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2226GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2234%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2236%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2244G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2246G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2254ME%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2254ML%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2274G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2276G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2276M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2276ME%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2276ML%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2278G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2278GE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2278GEL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2286G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2286M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%E-2288G%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5115%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5118%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5119T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5120%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5120T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5122%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5215%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5215L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5215M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5217%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5218%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5218B%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5218N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5218R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5218T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5220%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5220R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5220S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5220T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5222%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5315Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5317%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5318N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5318S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5318Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5320%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5320T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5415+%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5416S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5418Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%5420+%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6126%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6126F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6126T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6128%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6130%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6130F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6130T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6132%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6134%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6136%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6138%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6138F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6138P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6138T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6140%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6142%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6142F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6144%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6146%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6148%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6148F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6150%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6152%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6154%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6208U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6209U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6210U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6212U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6222V%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6226%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6226R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6230%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6230N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6230R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6230T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6234%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6238%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6238L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6238M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6238R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6238T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6240%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6240L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6240M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6240R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6240Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6242%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6242R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6244%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6246%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6246R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6248%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6248R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6250%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6250L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6252%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6252N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6254%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6256%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6258R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6262V%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6312U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6314U%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6326%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6330%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6330N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6334%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6336Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6338%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6338N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6338T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6342%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6346%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6348%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6354%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6416H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6418H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6430%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6438Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Gold%6442Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8153%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8156%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8158%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8160%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8160F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8160T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8164%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8168%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8170%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8171M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8176%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8176F%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8180%' or

  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8253%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8256%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8260%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8260L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8260M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8260Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8268%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8270%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8272CL%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8276%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8276L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8276M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8280%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8280L%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8280M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8351N%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8352M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8352S%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8352V%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8352Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8358%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8358P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8360Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8362%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8368%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8368Q%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8380%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8452Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8460Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8468%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8470%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8480%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%8490H%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%9221%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%9222%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%9242%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Platinum%9282%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4108%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4109T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4110%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4112%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4114%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4114T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4116%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4116T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4208%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4209T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4210%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4210R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4210T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4214%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4214R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4214Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4215%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4215R%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4216%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4309Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4310%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4310T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4314%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4316%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4410T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4410Y%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%Silver%4416%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-10855M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-10885M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11055M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11155MLE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11155MRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11555MLE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11555MRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11855M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11865MLE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11865MRE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-11955M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1250%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1250E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1250P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1250TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1270%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1270E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1270P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1270TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1290%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1290E%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1290P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1290T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1290TE%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1350%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1350P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1370%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1370P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1390%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1390P%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-1390T%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2102%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2104%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2123%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2125%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2133%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2135%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2145%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2155%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2175%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2195%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2223%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2225%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2235%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2245%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2255%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2265%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2275%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-2295%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3175X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3223%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3225%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3235%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W3-2423%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W3-2425%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W3-2435%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3245%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3245M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3265%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3265M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3275%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3275M%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3323%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3335%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3345%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3365%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W-3375%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-2445%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-2455X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-2465X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-3423%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-3425%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-3433%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W5-3435X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W7-2475X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W7-2495X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W7-3445%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W7-3455%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W7-3465X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W9-3475X%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Xeon%W9-3495X%'
) And
tblProcessor.Manufacturer Like '%%') Or
((  tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Snapdragon%850%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Snapdragon%7c%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Snapdragon%8c%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Snapdragon%8cx%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%QCM6490%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%QCS6490%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%QCM5430%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%QCS5430%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Microsoft%SQ1%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Microsoft%SQ2%'
  OR tblProcessor.name LIKE '%Microsoft%SQ3%'))) As CPU On
CPU.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
When tblTPM.SpecVersion Like '2.0%' Then 'Pass'
Else 'Fail'
End As [TPM Version]
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblTPM On tblAssets.AssetID = tblTPM.AssetId) As TPM On
TPM.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
When Cast(tblassets.Memory As numeric) >= 4096 Then 'Pass'
Else 'Fail'
End As RAM
From tblAssets
where tblassets.Memory is not null) As RAM On RAM.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
When tblDiskPartition.Type = 'Installable File System' Then 'Fail'
Else 'Pass'
End As [BIOS Type]
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType =
Inner Join tblDiskPartition On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblDiskPartition.AssetID
Where tblDiskPartition.BootPartition = 1 And tblAssetCustom.State =
1) As BIOS On BIOS.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblRegistry.AssetID,
From tblRegistry
tblRegistry.Regkey Like '%SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SecureBoot\State'
And tblRegistry.Valuename = 'UEFISecureBootEnabled') As SecureBoot On
SecureBoot.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Freespace As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As
Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As TotalSize,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblDiskdrives On tblAssets.AssetID = tblDiskdrives.AssetID
Inner Join tblComputersystem On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblComputersystem.AssetID
Where size is not null) As diskspace On diskspace.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tblComputersystem On tblAssets.AssetID = tblComputersystem.AssetID
Left Join (Select tblVideoController.AssetID,
Convert(VarChar,tblVideoController.CurrentHorizontalResolution) + 'x' +
Convert(VarChar,tblVideoController.CurrentVerticalResolution) + ', ' +
Convert(VarChar,tblVideoController.CurrentBitsPerPixel) + 'bpp' As
[GPU Output],
Case tblVideoController.Availability
When 1 Then 'Other'
When 2 Then 'Unknown'
When 3 Then 'Running'
When 4 Then 'Warning'
When 5 Then 'In Test'
When 6 Then 'Not applicable'
When 7 Then 'Power off'
When 8 Then 'Offline'
When 9 Then 'Off duty'
When 10 Then 'Degraded'
When 11 Then 'Not installed'
When 12 Then 'Install error'
When 13 Then 'Power save: Unknown'
When 14 Then 'Power save: Low power'
When 15 Then 'Power save: Standby'
When 16 Then 'Power cycle'
When 17 Then 'Power save: Warning'
Else 'Undefined: ' + Convert(VarChar,tblVideoController.Availability)
End As [Video Card State],
When tblVideoController.CurrentBitsPerPixel >= 8 And
tblVideoController.CurrentHorizontalResolution >= 1280 And
tblVideoController.CurrentVerticalResolution >= 720 Then 'Pass'
Else 'Fail'
End As Screen
From tblVideoController
Where (tblVideoController.AdapterCompatibility Like '%intel%' Or
tblVideoController.AdapterCompatibility Like '%amd%' Or
tblVideoController.AdapterCompatibility Like '%nvidia%')) As Screen On
Screen.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Where tsysOS.OSname <> 'Win 11' And tblState.Statename = 'Active' And
tblComputersystem.Domainrole < 2
Order By tblAssets.Domain,

