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Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Import Template


Create an Import File for Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager

Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager is a comprehensive application that centralizes and manages remote connections to various systems. It simplifies the management of remote connections by providing a single interface to store and organize connection information. It supports a wide range of protocols, such as RDP, SSH, VNC, and VPN, and securely stores login credentials. With its streamlined workflow and centralized management, Remote Desktop Manager is a powerful tool for IT professionals and businesses in need of efficient remote access and control. Combining this with Lansweeper lets you have a complete and accurate list of devices in your RDM tool. Using the template below, you can import all Windows, Mac, Unix and Linux devices that have been successfully scanned. If you only want to import a specific subset of devices, you can add additional filters to the template to only export the desired devices. You can find more information on how to combine Lansweeper and Devolutions RDM in the Pro Tips 42 blog post. Import template example  

Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Import Template Lansweeper Classic Query

AssetName as Name,
IPaddress as Host,
tsysIPLocations.IPLocation as [Group],
from tblassets
Inner Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID =
Where tblassets.Assettype in (-1,11,12,13) and tblassets.lastseen IS NOT NULL

