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Use Case – Lansweeper for Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Asset Management


  • Gain Complete Visibility of your IT Asset Inventory with Lansweeper
  • The First Step in Protecting Anything is Knowing What You Have

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You Can't Protect What You Don't Know You Have

For many years, Asset Inventory lists at the very top of most industry-leading security frameworks such as ISO, NIST, and CIS. The discovery of hard- and software data plays a critical role in maintaining an up-to-date synopsis of your entire IT estate to protect yourself against cyber security attacks. Leveraging that collected Cybersecurity Asset Management data is a fundamental starting point for implementing security measures across your organization.

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Create a Cybersecurity Asset Management Baseline

With all this information at our fingertips, so much more can be done to ensure that organizations are not only running efficiently but can easily identify cyber security threats and opportunities.

You’re using discovery and inventory data to understand the number of deployed assets, software installations, and other asset-specific information. The IT security department is using data to assess security threats, vulnerabilities, and respond to security incidents. The thing they have in common: the need for complete visibility.

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A Critical First Step in Cybersecurity

Making IT Discovery a key process of your Cybersecurity Asset Management enables you to discover new devices as they come into the organization and inventory all software and hardware across your IT environment. Cases of IT Discovery supporting a response to a security threat include the WannaCry and Meltdown vulnerability exploits. Once identified, IT teams were able to query Lansweeper to find instances of vulnerable software using a custom report.

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Stay on Top of Security Risks

In order to respond quickly to potential threats, it is essential to know which vulnerabilities may be affecting your network. Lansweeper’s Risk Insights draws information from the VulnCheck and VulDB Vulnerability Databases to give you a complete overview of all known vulnerabilities that are a threat to your assets. This way you can easily track which assets may be at risk, as well as the severity, exploitability and patch information of each vulnerability and affected asset, allowing you to prioritize and immediately intervene where it is needed the most.


Instantly Detect Assets the Moment They Connect to the Network

Ensuring that unknown devices -which are far more likely to become a rogue network device– are detected the moment they enter your organization’s network is crucial.

Lansweeper’s Asset Radar detects assets the moment they connect to the network. Combined with our advanced, AI-powered Credential-free Device Recognition technology to recognize and identify these unknown assets, this delivers complete coverage and unmatched inventory accuracy to eliminate blind spots across your IT environment.

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Enrich Incident Alerts from SIEM/SOAR solutions with relevant IT Asset Data

When every second counts, having all the information you need at your fingertips empowers you to act quickly and resolve a security event before damage occurs. But alerts typically come with minimal information – a MAC or IP address won’t arm you with the data you need to protect your organization. Lansweeper integrates seamlessly with leading SIEM and SOAR tools, including Splunk ES, Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR, IBM QRadar, MSFT Sentinel, Splunk SOAR, and more, significantly reducing deployment times and minimizing the need for customization.

Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

The attack surface encompasses all points of entry that can serve as attack vectors for unauthorized users to gain access to a system for malicious reasons. Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) helps to identify all potentially vulnerable assets before an attacker gets in. Detecting and preventing attacks won’t be possible without complete and accurate technology asset data. Learn how Lansweeper enables CAASM by providing visibility and actionable insights across your Technology Estate in this whitepaper.

How Lansweeper Helps You Go Further

The first step in protecting anything is knowing that an asset exists. Sounds so simple, but a solid cybersecurity program requires reliable inventory and discovery as its foundation. Once you’ve established your asset inventory baseline, you can start to dig deeper.


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