This overview will provide you with a list of all your scanning servers and their Asset Radar status, including whether the scanning server is compatible with Asset Radar, whether Asser Radar is enabled, Device Recognition is enabled and how long the Asset Radar logs will be retained. You can use the passive scanning Credentail free Device Recognition (CDR) to get instant data on which devices are active on your network. To get more info on passive scanning and how you can use CDR you can also check out the related Pro Tips blog post.
Asset Radar Status Overview Lansweeper Classic Query
Select Top 1000000 tsysASServers.Servername As [Server Name],
When tsysASServers.IsAssetRadarCompatible = 1 Then 'Yes'
Else 'No'
End As [Asset Radar Compatible],
When tsysASServers.isassetradarenabled = 1 Then 'Logging Only'
When tsysASServers.isassetradarenabled = 2 Then 'Yes'
Else 'No'
End As [Asset Radar Enabled],
When tsysASServers.EnableAssetrecognition = 1 Then 'Yes'
Else 'No'
End As [Device Recognition Enabled],
Cast(tsysASServers.DelAssetRadarLogDays As nvarchar) + ' days' As
[Asset Radar Logs Retention]
From tsysASServers
Order By [Server Name]